Sunday School

Biblical Education has been documented in the Holy Biblefrom the time of Moses as being of utmost importance. Through God's spokesman,Moses, the Israelites were charged to teach His Holy Commandments to theirchildren, "Recite them to your children and talk about them when you areat home" (Deuteronomy 6:7). At that time, many Israelites instructed theirchildren in the home setting. Fathers educated sons in all aspects of theIsraelite faith. The wealthy we learn in the Holy Book of II Kings 10:6, oftenhired professional teachers to instruct their children.
In the King David era, archaeologists have unearthed tabletsinscribed with school exercises from that time period which may have been whenformal schools actually emerged. By the first century BC, Jews had set upelementary schools in synagogues and homes throughout all of Israel. The basicsubjects taught were memorization of Holy Scripture, reading, writing, andmathematics. Older students sometimes sought out master teachers who couldinstruct them in the intricacies of Holy Bible interpretation and Jewishtradition.
In the year 61 AD, St. Mark the Evangelist entered the Cityof Alexandria preaching Christianity to Egypt. As the growth of the Christianfaith grew, St. Mark guided by the Holy Spirit recognized the need forestablishing a theological school to explain and to consolidate the Christianfaith. The School of Alexandria is well documented as the earliest importantinstitution of theological learning in Christian history, and continued tooperate until year 451 when the emperors of Constantinople closed it followingthe Council of Chalcedon.
In l893, His Holiness Pope Kyrillos V began a new seminaryin Cairo and Christian education gained momentum once more. On September 30,l962, His Holiness Pope Kyrillos VI ordained Fr. Antonious El Souriany asBishop Shenouda, the first appointed Bishop for Christian Education. Followingthis ordination, His Grace Bishop Shenouda then became the President and Deanof the Theological College. His Grace Bishop Shendoua, who later became Pope Shenouda III, also gave great attention to children's education and started a Sunday School system in Churches, where children can start learning about God and His will at a very early age.
Today, Biblical Education is flourishing and is offered inmany ways such as the Theological College, seminaries, sermons, books,websites, Coptic Schools and Sunday Schools in every Church.
Our Mission
Biblical Education is undoubtedly a crucial part of ourChurch, and enables everyone to grow in Spirit, regardless of ranks and roles.
Ultimately to know the will of God is the greatest of alleducational pursuits, to understand the will of God is the greatest educationaldiscovery and putting Christian education to use by doing the will of God isthe greatest of life's achievements.
The Sunday School classes offered by our Church aim atachieving such goals, by teaching children the will of God, starting at a veryyoung age, infusing in our children the spirit of the Coptic Orthodox church, andempowering both servants and students to continually grow in Spirit.
Our Goals
Our goals are to maintain and grow our children’spopulation, and not lose any of them, following our Lord Jesus Christ in his teachingsthat “This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me Ishould lose nothing” (John 6:39). We aim at teaching our children by providingthem with a well-balanced spiritual diet, but most importantly, by providingthem a practical role model of living a Christian life.
Schedule Information
Sunday School classes meet every Sunday from 1:00 pm to 2:30pm right after the liturgy. These meetings also include hymns lessons andactivities.