Mesra - Mecwry 1739
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Mes1 Martyrdom of St.Apoli, Son of JustusDeparture of St.Kyrillos V (Cyril), the 112th Pope of Alexandriaread more | Mes2 Departure of St.Pa'esa (Athanasia)read more | Mes3 Relocation of the Body of St.Simon (Simeon) the Stylite to the city of AntiochDeparture of Pope Abriamus (Primus), the Fifth Patriarch of Alexandriaread more | Mes4 Departure of Hezekiah the KingConsecration of the Church of the Great St.Anthony (Antonios)read more | Mes5 Departure of St.John the Soldierread more | Mes6 Martyrdom of St.Juliettaread more | Mes7 Annunciation of St.Joachim with the Birth of the Virgin MaryDeparture of St.Timothy II (Timotheos), the 26th Pope of Alexandriaread more |
Mes8 Martyrdom of the Saints Lazarus, Salomi, His Wife and their ChildrenConfession of St.Peter, the Apostle, that Christ is the Son of the Living Godread more | Mes9 Martyrdom of St.Ari, the Priest of Shatanoufread more | Mes10 Martyrdom of St.MatraMartyrdom of St.Pigebs (Bekhebs)read more | Mes11 Departure of St.Moisis, Bishop of Ouseemread more | Mes12 Commemoration of the Honorable Archangel MichaelReign of the Righteous Emperor Constantine, the Greatread more | Mes13 Feast of Transfiguration of Our Lord on Mount Taborread more | Mes14 Commemoration of the Great Sign, the Lord had Manifested During the Papacy of St.Theophilusread more |
Mes15 Commemoration of the Departure of St.Mary know as Marina, the Asceticread more | Mes16 Assumption of the Body of the Pure Virgin St.MaryDeparture of St.Mattias IV (Mattheos), the 102nd Patriarch of Alexandriaread more | Mes17 Martyrdom of St.James, the Soldierread more | Mes18 Departure of St.Alexander, Patriarch of ConstantinopleMartyrdom of St.Eudaemon, of Armant (El-Armanti)read more | Mes19 Translocation of the Body of St.Macarius to His Monastery in Scetisread more | Mes20 Martyrdom of the Seven Young Men of Ephesusread more | Mes21 Commemoration of the Virgin, the Mother of GodDeparture of St.Irene (Eirene)read more |
Mes22 Departure of Micah, the ProphetMartyrdom of St.Hadidread more | Mes23 Martyrdom of Thirty-Thousand Christians in AlexandriaMartyrdom of St.Damian in Antiochread more | Mes24 Departure of St.Takla Haymanot, the EthiopianDeparture of St.Thomas, Bishop of Mar'ash (Syria)read more | Mes25 Departure of St.Bessarion, the GreatDeparture of St.Macarius III, the 114th Pope of Alexandriaread more | Mes26 Martyrdom of St.Moses (Moisees) and his Sister SarahMartyrdom of St.Agabius, the Soldier, and his Sister Theclaread more | Mes27 Martyrdom of Saints Benjamin and his Sister EudexiaMartyrdom of St.Mary, the Armenianread more | Mes28 Commemoration of the Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacobread more |
Mes29 Martyrdom of Saints Athanasius, the Bishop, Gerasimus (Jarasimus), and TheodotusArrival of the Holy Relic of St.John, the Short, to the Wilderness of Scetisread more | Mes30 Departure of St.Malachi, the Prophetread more |