Papal Elections: 118th Pope of Alenxandria
Sunday, November 4th 2012
A historic liturgy on November 4, 2012, in the cathedral of St Mark in Al Abassiya, concluded with the naming of the 118th pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Under the leadership of Bishop Pakhomious, a young boy was chosen from among 12 children to pick one of the final three candidates who were Bishop Tawadros, Bishop Rafael and Father Rafael Ava Mina.
The young child was blindfolded by H.G. Bishop Pakhomious. Following a minute of silence and prayer, the vessel carrying the names was opened and the young child picked one of the three papers which carried the name of Bishop Tawadros. The interim caretaker held the paper high for all those in attendance to see. The result was met with euphoric celebration from the congregation. The names of the other two final candidates were held up by Bishop Paula for transparency.
Bishop Pakhomious then congratulated the Coptic Orthodox Church and formally announced the 118th pope of Alexandria as Pope Tawadros II. May the Lord preserve his life and keep him for years to come as the shepherd of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
You can watch a recording of the liturgy here.
Monday, October 29th 2012
This past Monday the elections of the pope 118 were performed in Cairo and 3 candidates were elected: Bishop Rafael, Bishop Tawadros and Fr. Rafael Ava Mina. On Sunday November 4th there will be a liturgy in St. Mark's Cathedral in Cairo and in the end of the liturgy one name will be picked (divine lottery) to be the patriarch 118.
The entire Coptic Church will be fasting 3 days (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) a first degree fast for God to choose for us the good shepherd according to His heart.
Bishop Rafael: Bishop of Downtown Cairo Diocese
Name before monasticism: Michel Aryan Hakim
- DOB: May, 6, 1958.
- Place of Birth: Cairo
- Education: Bachelor’s of Medicine and general surgery from Ain Shams University in 1982. Bachelor’s of the Seminary Collge in 1984.
- Date and Place of monasticism: February, 28, 1990 in St. Mary Monastery of Baramous. He was ordained by the name Fr. Youstous of Baramous. He was in charge of the clinic and the monastery visitors. He was ordained as a general bishop on Jun, 15, 1997 for downtown Cairo diocese. Bishop Rafael is a disciple of Bishop Moussa. He was nominated for monasticism and as a papal candidate by His Grace Bishop Moussa.
Bishop Rafael is very popular among youth, and has written several books and articles all about the spiritual aspect.
Bishop Tawadros: General Assistant Bishop in Behira Diocese
Name before monasticism: Waguih Sobhy Baky Soliman.
- DOB: Novmber, 13, 1952.
- Place of birth: Mansourah
- Education: Bachelor’s of Pharmacy, Alexandria University in 1975. Obtained the membership of the English Royal Board of Pharmacists in 1985. Bachelor’s of the Seminary College in 1983.
- Date and Place of monasticism: July, 31, 1988 in St. Bishoy Monastery. He was ordained a bishop in June, 15, 1997 to help with Behira Diocese.
Father Rafael Ava Mina: St. Mina Monastery
Name before monasticism: Rafael Sobhy Tawfik
- DOB: Septmbr, 8, 1942.
- Place of Birth: Cairo
- Education: Bachelor’s of Law in 1964 Ain shams University.
- Date and place of monasticism: August, 7, 1969 in St. Mina Monastery.
He is the oldest among the nominees. He is a disciple of Pope Cyril VI. He served in the monastery, praying liturgies and teaching rituals to others. He was the father of confession for many of the monks. He wrote 25 different books about the church, rituals, and the spiritual life. A lot of people wish that he becomes the pope due to his popularity. He is known to be a loving monk. He was recommended by His Grace Bishop Armia.